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Studies & Analyses

Studies & Analyses

Dayton Aerospace is known for assembling highly skilled, multi-functional teams that use solid study methodology, sound research, and deep experience to solve tough and unique defense acquisition and sustainment problems—some never encountered before. Our subject matter experts develop recommendations, products, and solutions that are relevant, useful, and implementable by our customers.

Dayton Aerospace has tackled and solved some of the toughest technical and programmatic challenges in the DOD.

Our efforts are always tailored and scaled to provide superior analysis and deliver exceptional products within your time and budget. If you’re facing a difficult or unique defense acquisition-related challenge, contact us to see how we can customize a study team to provide the right expertise at the right levels and employ proven models, tools and research methods to bring you solutions.

Examples of Our Work


Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AWACS) Block 40/45 Upgrade Product Support Business Case Analysis (PS BCA)

In full compliance of the current USAF PS BCA guidance, Dayton Aerospace performed a comprehensive PS BCA that included an assessment of organic depot level maintenance capacity. The study considered the effects of high avionics obsolescent turnover rates and the ability to incorporate diminishing manufacturing sources (DMS) replacement items during programmed depot maintenance (PDM) cycles. The recommended sustainment alternative was delivered to and accepted by the Air Force Life Cycle Management Battle Management (AFLCMC/HB) program executive officer (PEO) in less than 12 months.

USAF Airworthiness

AFLCMC/EN-EZ Non-DOD Military Aircraft Office (NDMAO) Concept of Operations Development

A cross-functional Dayton Aerospace team developed a transformative process which innovatively implements a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRDA) to allow the US Air Force to perform airworthiness  assessments and issue airworthiness attestations on Non-DOD Military Aircraft (NDMA) on a fee-for-service (FFS) basis. The study and process development considered the diverse nature and differing technical complexities associated with the various types of NDMA “projects” that might be involved, as well as programmatic, financial, contractual, security, data management, legal, and communications considerations. The NDMAO is currently staffed at the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Engineering Directorate (AFLCMC/EN-EZ) and successfully performing assesments for industry customers.

Air Force Life Cycle Management Center

F-15 Collision of Modifications Study

To explore the possibility of incorporating hardware modifications while aircraft are in programmed depot maintenance (PDM), this study analyzed the capacity of the existing F-15 depot operations and evaluated specific alternatives—the current F-15 depot capacity and a future expanded F-15 capability. The assessment provided the F-15 program office with a transformative fleet management analysis that included the top-level programmatic parameters (aircraft availability, investment costs, and schedule) to support decisions made in concert with Air Combat Command (ACC) on post-2020 fleet management.

CH-47 Chinook

US Army Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)

Our experts developed a model and conducted the analysis to translate the order of magnitude improvements that could be achieved by installing HUMS systems on two additional helicopter airframes. The study quantified how the system would reduce operation and sustainment (O&S) costs, increase reliability and availability, and improve safety.


Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering (ODASD(SE)) F-35 Program Support Assessment (PSA)

Dayton Aerospace subject matter experts participated on a 15-member team charged by the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to conduct an independent review of F-35 software development. This effort resulted in a comprehensive report to Congress.

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