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DOD Defense Acquisition Library
Below, our experts have curated a collection of valuable, publicly available, defense acquisition-related resources. In some cases, a policy or guide may be out of date; however, in our experts’ opinion, the listed version is still a useful resource that may no longer be available elsewhere.
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Acquisition Planning | Guide to Research Other Transactions (OTs) Under 10 USC 4021 | DOD | 09/13/2023 | PDF | This guide provides advice, guidance, and best practices on planning, publicizing, soliciting, evaluating, negotiating, awarding, and administering research OTs. |
Acquisition Planning | Myth-Busting 2: Addressing Misconceptions and Further Improving Communication During the Acquisition Process | OFPP | 05/07/2012 | PDF | Memorandum discussing misconceptions held by the vendor community and provides additional information and strategies for both government agencies and vendors to promote more effective communication. |
Acquisition Planning | Acquisition in the Digital Age (AiDA) | MITRE | 02/21/2025 | Link | AiDA aims to explore how the federal acquisition environment can be transformed using digital strategies and tools. The research builds on MITRE’s project work across defense, civil, and intelligence agencies to implement innovative acquisition strategies, develop tailored acquisition models, and foster adoption of agile development practices. |
Acquisition Planning | Capability Development Guidebook - Vol 2D - JCIDS Document Development | AF/A5/7 | 02/01/2024 | PDF | The focus of volume 2C is the early assessment and analysis activities that establish a need for a materiel solution to satisfy a capability need. The AF/A5/7 and Major Command (MAJCOM)s/Lead Agents must align efforts in this early analysis to enable deliberate and rapid capability development. |
Acquisition Planning | Other Transactions (OT) Guide | DOD | 07/08/2023 | PDF | This updated Other Transaction (OT) Guide replaces the Nov 2018 version. It incorporates changes in statute and regulations, and DoD Inspector General and Government Accountability Office recommendations. The Guide also provides additional administrative guidance and best practices for reporting, funding, definitions, participation and validation of nontraditional defense contractors, and considerations for use of the OT consortia business model. |
Acquisition Planning | Defense Acquisition Life Cycle Milestone Chart | DAU | 10/21/2022 | PPT | This interactive tool illustrates decision points, milestones, and phases which are standard elements of the defense acquisition system (major capabilities); however, Milestone Decision Authorities, with program manager input, have full latitude to tailor programs in the most effective and efficient structure possible, unless constrained by statute.
Note: To use interactive version, open a "read only" copy and display slides in presentation mode.
Acquisition Planning | Service Acquisition Mall | DAU | 02/21/2025 | Link | DAU's virtual Service Acquisition Mall (SAM) is intended to help you get your job done by providing usable tools and templates to create your performance-based service acquisition requirements. Helpful guidance is organized and provided through the use of DoD's 7-step service acquisition process model and various mall wings based on the type of services being acquired. |
Acquisition Planning | Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Handbook | HAF/A5R-OAS | 08/04/2017 | PDF | The purpose of this handbook is to guide study teams in planning and conducting Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) studies. The handbook provides guidance on forming the Working Integrated Product Team (WIPT), developing the AoA study guidance and study plan, forming the AoA study team, conducting the study, and developing the final report. |
Acquisition Planning | Capability Development Guidebook - Vol 2D - Annex A - Analysis of Alternatives (AOA) | AF/A5/7 | 12/01/2023 | PDF | The focus of volume 2D, annex A is an analytical comparison of the operational effectiveness, suitability, and life cycle/total ownership cost of alternatives that could satisfy validated capability requirement(s) documented in the Initial Capabilities Document.
Acquisition Planning | Bundling Guidance | DOD/OSBP | 05/01/2018 | PDF | Discusses how combining two or more contract requirements into a single requirement can exclude potential contractors which can only perform or deliver smaller requirements, referred to as “bundling,” and provides consolidation guidance. |
Acquisition Planning | Capability Development Guidebook - Vol 2B - System Development Plan | AF/A5/7 | 02/01/2024 | PDF | This guidebook explains the organizational constructs, leadership and participant responsibilities, and activities led by AF/A5/7 to develop capability development plans and system development plans, in support of overarching operational capability development. |
Acquisition Planning | Competitive Strategies for Systems Acquisition and Life Cycle Management | Dayton Aerospace | 10/23/2017 | PDF | A practical guide for program managers on how to develop competitive acquisition strategies for each phase of the acquisition life cycle. Includes numerous real-world case studies. |
Acquisition Planning | Standard Process for Pre-Award Acquisition Strategy and Request for Proposal (RFP) Development | AFLCMC/AQ | 11/20/2020 | PDF | Process document which provides a top-level road map to train the acquisition team in the development of their acquisition strategy, RFP, and top-level metrics, ensuring industry responds appropriately to government requirements to best deliver systems or services that support USAF capabilities. |
Acquisition Planning | Capability Development Guidebook - Vol 2J - Documentation Writing Teams | AF/A5/7 | 10/01/2023 | PDF | Document writing teams are used to develop USAF-sponsored requirements documents and provide consistent cross-functional involvement in requirements generation. The intent is to accelerate the documentation process, improve the quality of the documents, and provide an enduring forum for developing, fielding, and sustaining operational systems. |
Acquisition Planning | Guidebook for the Acquisition of Services | DOD | 06/05/2012 | PDF | Provides acquisition teams with a disciplined, seven-step process, for the acquisition of services, starting with a valid mission requirement, through planning, business strategy development, service delivery, and assessment. |
Acquisition Planning | Air Force Data Rights Guidebook (SMART IP) | SAF/AQ & GCQ | 07/01/2019 | PDF | Intended to equip Air Force acquisition personnel to handle common issues encountered in the realm of intellectual property (IP) acquisition, particularly those issues surrounding rights in technical data and computer software. Presents recurring issues that acquisition personnel can expect to face in the format of frequently asked questions, each followed by a suggested plan for dealing with that issue. |
Acquisition Planning | Guide for Performance Specifications SD-15
| DSP | 08/24/2009 | PDF | This document provides guidance information on performance specifications focusing primarily on stating requirements in performance terms and ensuring that sufficient verification means are included in the specification to evaluate conformance. |
Acquisition Planning | Myth-Busting: Addressing Misconceptions to Improve Communication with Industry during the Acquisition Process | OFPP | 02/02/2011 | PDF | Memorandum which identifies common misconceptions about vendor engagement that is hindering agencies' appropriate use of existing flexibilities and provides strategies to help acquisition professionals benefit from industry's knowledge and insight. |
Acquisition Planning | Myth-Busting 3: Further Improving Industry Communication with Effective Debriefings | OFPP | 01/05/2017 | PDF | Memorandum addressing misconceptions about proposal debriefings and offers strategies to strengthen the productive interaction between the Federal Government and industry through the effective use of debriefings. |
Acquisition Planning | Adaptive Acquisition Framework Interactive Resource | DOD | 02/21/2025 | Link | The goal of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF) is to empower innovation and common-sense decision making through the acquisition process, while also maintaining discipline in our practices and procedures. This interactive portal allows program managers to tailor acquisition strategies to achieve their objectives based on the capability being acquired. Numerous policies and guides are also available at the AAF. |
Acquisition Planning | Capability Development Guidebook - Vol 2I - Software Development | AF/A5/7 | 02/01/2024 | PDF | The increasing prevalence of software-based capabilities on current and future battlefields has driven recent updates to the processes and authorities DoD uses to define and pursue software solutions. Within the Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF), there are two software acquisition pathways available to requirements sponsors. |
Acquisition Planning | Capability Development Guidebook - Vol 2E - Strategic Requirements Document | AF/A5/7 | 02/01/2024 | PDF | The Strategic Requirements Document (SRD) is one of several possible first steps in developing operational capability requirements. The SRD is an AF-only product primarily used for “top down” directed initiatives and portfolio-wide capability development efforts. An SRD can also be proposed by HAF or MAJCOM sponsors as a “bottom-up” initiative.
Acquisition Planning | Air Force Guidance Memorandum for Rapid Acquisition Activities (AFGM2019 63-01) | SAF/AQ | 06/27/2019 | PDF | Provides guidance for Air Force acquisition professionals on implementing the rapid prototyping and rapid fielding authorities enabled by Section 804 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2016.
Note: This guidance is now incorporated into Air Force Instruction (AFI) 63-101/20-101, 30 Jun 2020. |
Acquisition Planning | Capability Development Guidebook - Vol 2A - Overview & Governance | AF/A5/7 | 11/23/2022 | PDF | This guidebook explains the framework for oversight and implementation of the Air Force process for validation of operational capability requirements in support of overarching capability development efforts and in compliance with the main processes for “requirements” via the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS), for “acquisition”. |
Acquisition Planning | Standard Process for Risk and Issue Management in Acquisition Programs | AFLCMC/AZE | 01/21/2021 | PDF | Risk is a fundamental consideration from need identification until fielding of a materiel solution. This process standard defines a disciplined approach to risk management for acquisition programs acquiring weapon systems, information systems, system modifications, and related services. |
Acquisition Planning | SD-5 Market Research Gathering Information About Commercial Products and Services | Defense Standardization Program Office | 12/01/2018 | PDF | This document provides DoD and other federal personnel involved in the acquisition process with practical guidance on using market research to ensure the acquisition of products and services that will best serve the government’s needs. |
Acquisition Planning | Capability Development Guidebook - Vol 2H - Modifications | AF/A5/7 | 02/01/2024 | PDF | This guidebook outlines the requirements activities to support the management of modifications to systems managed by USAF under the acquisition policies and procedures. Modifications are changes to hardware or software to satisfy an operational mission requirement by removing or adding a capability or function, enhancing technical performance or suitability, or changing the form, fit, function, and interface of an in-service, configuration-managed USAF asset. |
Acquisition Planning | Prototyping Guidebook | OSD/R&E | 10/01/2022 | PDF | Components of the U.S. military have benefited from the use of prototyping for decades. Many organizations and their subject matter experts developed processes, methods, and tools that helped them succeed. This prototyping guidebook attempts to capture and consolidate these approaches, best practices, and recommendations into a single reference document for DOD. |
Acquisition Planning | Contracting Cone | DOD | 02/21/2025 | Link | The Contracting Cone outlines the full spectrum of available FAR and Non-FAR contract strategies. Supporting materials provide details about each contracting strategy, to enable collaborative discussions to select the right strategy based on environment, constraints, and desired outcomes. The goal is to provide visibility into new or lesser-known strategies and ensure the full range of contract strategies are considered. Part of DOD's Adaptive Acquisition Framework. |
Acquisition Planning | Capability Development Guidebook - Vol 2F - Middle Tier of Acquisition | AF/A5/7 | 02/01/2024 | PDF | Middle Tier of Acquisition (MTA) is a rapid acquisition approach within the Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF) that focuses on rapidly delivering capability to fill an identified mission capability gap. Originally introduced in the Section 804 of the 2016 National Defense Authorization, the MTA process is detailed in DoDI 5000.80_DAFI63-146, Operation of the Middle Tier of Acquisition (MTA). |
Acquisition Planning | Myth-Busting 4: Strengthening Engagement with Industry Partners through Innovative Business Practices | OFPP | 04/30/2019 | PDF | Memorandum improves awareness of vendor engagement strategies that federal procurement thought leaders are using to create a more responsive buying process, modernize the acquisition culture, and deliver greater value to the taxpayer. |
Acquisition Planning
| Market Research Report Guide for Improving the Tradecraft in Services Acquisition | DOD/AT&L | 03/01/2017 | PDF | This document provides best practices for conducting and documenting market research and provides standard processes and reports, allowing for enhanced data collection and sharing of market research across the department. |
Acquisition Planning
| SD-2 DoD Acquisitions Buying Commercial Items and Non-Developmental Items | Defense Standardization Program Office | 11/01/2018 | PDF | This document provides guidance on acquisitions involving all types of commercial and non-developmental items (NDI): systems, subsystems, assemblies, parts, items of supply, and commercial services. The guide offers lessons learned and things to consider when participating on an integrated product team (IPT). |
Acquisition Planning
| Commercial Derivative Aircraft (CDA) Acquisition Guide | Dayton Aerospace | 11/01/2009 | PDF | Provides a compilation of current knowledge, experiences, and best practices from commercial-derivative aircraft (CDA) programs across the DoD with emphasis on Air Force programs. Addresses the entire spectrum of CDA programs from those with minimum modifications to a “green” aircraft to those with more extensive modifications. The guide provides a comprehensive set of guidelines to assist defense planners and program implementers in the execution of CDA programs. |
Acquisition Planning
| Acquiring and Enforcing the Government's Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software under DOD Contracts: A Practical Handbook for Acquisition Professionals | SMC/JA | 10/10/2018 | Link | Provides a practical “cradle-to-grave” approach to acquiring technical data and computer software rights. Intended to help acquisition professionals carefully tailor a strategy to satisfy the unique needs of their specific program. |
Acquisition Planning
| DOD Cloud Acquisition Guidebook Version 1.2 | DAU | 11/01/2019 | PDF | Cloud computing presents an enormous paradigm shift from the usual acquisition model for acquiring traditional Information Technology (IT) services. This Guidebook provides information and best practices that will allow programs to take advantage of the opportunities provided by cloud services.
Acquisition Planning
| Capability Development Guidebook - Vol 2C - Capability-Based Assessments | AF/A5/7 | 09/01/2024 | PDF | The focus of volume 2C is the early assessment and analysis activities that establish a need for a materiel solution to satisfy a capability need. The AF/A5/7 and Major Command (MAJCOM)s/Lead Agents must align efforts in this early analysis to enable deliberate and rapid capability development. |
Acquisition Planning
| Information Technology Acquisition Guide | DISA | 11/01/2013 | PDF | Provides a series of proactively tailored acquisition models and processes to assist with the effective acquisition of IT products and services. |
Contract Management | Contracting Officer’s Representative Guidebook | OUSD(A&S)/DPC | 10/17/2022 | PDF | This guidebook provides basic knowledge and tools for CORs to effectively perform their duties and responsibilities. CORs provide technical surveillance of contractor performance, serving as the “eyes and ears” of the Contracting Officer. CORs verify that contractors are fulfilling contract delivery and quality requirements, and document performance outcomes for the contract record. |
Contract Management | Guidance for the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) | GSA | 12/01/2023 | PDF | Presents the government-wide past performance process, which includes procedures for the collection and use of Past Performance Information (PPI) for all contracts/orders. CPARS provides for the exchange of PPI between contractors and contracting officers. |
Contract Management | Subcontract Plan Template - Individual | GSA | 01/01/2023 | .DOCX | Provides guidance, helpful information and a template for preparing an Individual Subcontracting Plan (ISP) when required per FAR 52.219-9, Small Business Subcontracting Plan. |
Contract Management | Commercial Item Determination Guidebook Part A | DOD | 07/10/2019 | PDF | This guidebook is intended to assist government acquisition personnel in evaluating products and services to determine whether they are commercial items and properly making and documenting the determination. |
Contract Management | Guidebook for Performance-Based Services Acquistion (PBSA) in the DOD | OSD/AT&L | 01/02/2001 | PDF | Helps acquisition teams, and other stakeholders, better understand the basic principles of PBSA and better implement performance-based methodologies into services acquisitions. |
Contract Management | Air Force Guide: Award Term/Incentive Options | SAF/AQC | 01/01/2003 | PDF | Provides general guidance on ways to use award term provisions in USAF contracts and discusses the pitfalls of and important rules to satisfy, at a minimum, for non-cost incentives. |
Contract Management | Government Contractor Contract Property Administration Guidebook | DCMA | 05/16/2024 | PDF | This guidebook is designed to implement the requirements of the FAR, facilitate the effective and efficient oversight of contractors, provide a degree of standardization in corporate practices, maximize the department’s return on investment, achieve best value, and protect the government’s interests. |
Contract Management | Contracting Professionals Smart Guide | FAI | 02/21/2025 | Link | The guide is designed to help contracting professionals navigate over 50 activities that often occur in the contract formation and administration processes. For each activity, applicable tasks are identified along with a flow chart showing the sequence of the tasks. The descriptions are in a table format that lists relevant tasks, FAR references, and additional information. Links are included to access additional guidance and related training available from FAI and DAU. |
Contract Management | Guidance on Using Incentive and Other Contract Types | OSD/AT&L | 03/01/2016 | PDF | Addresses, in a comprehensive way, the considerations contracting and acquisition professional should take into account when selecting and negotiating the most appropriate contract type for a given requirement. |
Contract Management | Commercial Acquisition Resources: Examples Roles and References | DAU-DCMA | 02/25/2020 | PDF | Provides practical guidance for both government and industry, empowering parties to better collect and evaluate commercial data when making a commercial determination. |
Contract Management | Standard Process for Contract Award (Sole Source) | AFLCMC/AZ | 08/18/2022 | PDF | Describes the activities necessary to award a sole-source (non-competitive) contract following a request for proposal (RFP) release. The process is consistent with AFMC Mandatory Procedure (MP) 5304, 16 Jan 2018. |
Contract Management | Contractor Purchasing System Review (CPSR) Guidebook | DCMA | 09/10/2021 | PDF | Offers guidance on the CPSR, a review which evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness with which a contractor spends government funds and complies with government policy when subcontracting. |
Contract Management | Department of the Air Force Award Fee Guide | USAF | 10/01/2008 | PDF | Provides USAF-level guidance on the appropriate use of award fee in order to ensure outstanding contracting performance and mutually benefit USAF and its industry contracting partners. |
Contract Management | Bid Protests at GAO: A Descriptive Guide, 10th Edition | GAO | 05/01/2018 | PDF | Provides informal, practical guidance about the GAO bid protest process used when bidders or others interested in government procurements may have reason to believe that a contract has been awarded improperly or illegally, or they have been unfairly denied the opportunity to compete. |
Contract Management | Standard Process for Contract Award (Competitive Source Selection) | AFLCMC/AZ | 11/16/2023 | PDF | Describes AFLCMC's source selection process from RFP release to contract award for competitive acquisitions >$1M conducted in accordance with DOD's source selection procedures. |
Contract Management | Contractor Business Systems Manual 2301-01 | DCMA | 04/19/2019 | PDF | This manual assigns responsibilities and prescribes procedures for assessing the effectiveness of the contractor’s business systems including estimating, accounting, earned value management, material management, government property, and purchasing systems. |
Contract Management | Guidelines for Creating and Maintaining a Competitive Environment for Supplies and Services | OUSD (AT&L) | 12/01/2014 | PDF | Provides general guidelines to promote and provide for competition when acquiring supplies and services for DOD. |
Contract Management | Department of Defense Source Selection Procedures | DOD | 08/20/2022 | PDF | Provides DoD procedures for conducting competitively negotiated source selections and outlines a common set of principles and procedures for conducting such acquisitions in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations. |
Contract Management | Sole Source Streamlining Toolbox | OUSD (A&C)/DPC
| 04/11/2024 | PDF | The DoD Sole Source Streamlining Toolbox is a living document encompassing over 40 techniques which can be leveraged to increase efficiency throughout the acquisition process. |
Contract Management | Commercial Item Pricing Guidebook Part B | DOD | 01/29/2018 | PDF | Commercial items are not subject to the Truthful Cost or Pricing Data Act because the commercial marketplace is presumed to be a competitive environment and should drive a fair and reasonable price. This guide is intended to help contracting officers appropriately price these items when a competitive market price does not exist, or market data is not readily available. |
Contract Management
| Periodic Table of Acquisition Innovations | FAI | 02/21/2025 | Link | The government-wide acquisition knowledge management portal for innovative business practices and technologies. |
Contract Management
| Contracting Subway Map | DAU | 02/21/2025 | Link | The purpose of the subway map is to provide a generalized order of events in the acquisition contracting process. Topics are listed as stops on four different subway lines: Industry Engagement, Acquisition Planning, Solicitation, Proposal Evaluation, Contract Award, and Contract Administration. Hyperlinks provide access to related useful information. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Standard Process for Annual Program Office Cost Estimate | AFLCMC/FZ | 03/18/2021 | PDF | An annual Program Office Cost Estimate (POE) (also known as a Will-Cost estimate) is a documented point in time of the estimated total life cycle cost of directed acquisition program. Annual POEs are required each calendar year after the program’s initial POE is approved. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Contract Pricing Reference Guide - Volume 4 - Advanced Issues in Contract Pricing | DAU | 01/01/2021 | PDF | Provides guidance on contract types, allowability, cost accounting standards, indirect cost rates, cost accounting systems, cost reporting, earned value management, defective pricing, equitable adjustments, and other issues. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Standard Process for Cost Capability Analysis (CCA) | AFLCMC/XP | 06/21/2018 | PDF | Cost Capability Analysis (CCA) is a process that uses warfighter involvement, subject matter expertise, and a rigorous multi-attribute, multi-objective decision analysis methodology to define trade space between cost and warfighting capabilities. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Cost Estimating and Assessment Guide | GAO | 03/01/2020 | PDF | Establishes a consistent methodology, based on best practices, that can be used across the federal government to develop, manage, and evaluate capital program cost estimates. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Contract Pricing Reference Guide - Volume 5 - Negotiation Techniques | DAU | 01/04/2021 | PDF | Provides guidance for understanding the art of negotiation, planning for negotiation, and best practices for non-competitive negotiations and competitive discussions. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Cost Estimating Handbook | OSD (CAPE) | 01/12/2022 | PDF | This guide is intended to guide DoD cost estimators in planning, execution, presentation, and documentation of analysis required to support multiple aspects of an AoA. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Performance-Based Payment Guide | OSD/AT&L (DPAP) | 01/01/2014 | PDF | Provides contracting and acquisition professionals with the steps necessary to construct a detailed PBP arrangement that will be documented in a special provision in the contract. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Contract Pricing Reference Guide - Volume 2 - Quantitative Techniques | DAU | 01/01/2021 | PDF | Explores creating and using price indices, cost/price volume analysis, statistical analysis, cost estimating relationships, regression analysis, improvement curves, and other quantitative methods. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Professional Practice Guide: Audits and Oversight of Defense Contractor Costs and Internal Controls | DOD | 01/01/2019 | PDF | The Section 809 panel developed this professional practice guide as a supplement to existing guidance for professionals involved in DoD procurement contract auditing. Although professional standards are common across the auditing profession—these standards were not developed or interpreted for the unique purpose of federal government contract oversight. This guide seeks to bridge that gap. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Independent Government Cost Estimate - Handbook for Services Acquisition | DOD | 02/01/2018 | PDF | The handbook explains the importance of the independent government cost estimate (IGCE) and its purpose and presents information regarding the minimum requirements for IGCE documentation. The handbook helps analysts understand the elements of a cost estimate and identify tools available for its development. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Contract Pricing Reference Guide - Volume 3 - Cost Analysis | DAU | 03/08/2021 | PDF | Discusses cost analysis concepts such as allocability and allowability, certified cost and pricing data, direct cost elements, indirect costs, facilities capital cost of money, and profit analysis. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Cost Benefit Analysis Guide | United States Army | 01/21/2020 | PDF | Assist analysts in identifying, quantifying, and evaluating the future costs and benefits of alternative solutions in order to recommend the optimum course of action for decision-making purposes. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Guidelines and Discount Rates for Benefit Cost Analysis of Federal Programs (Circular A-94) | OMB | 11/09/2023 | PDF | The goal of this circular is to promote efficient resource allocation through well-informed decision-making by the federal government. It provides general guidance for conducting benefit-cost and cost-effectiveness analyses. It also provides specific guidance on the discount rates to be used in evaluating federal programs whose benefits and costs are distributed over time. |
Cost Estimating/Pricing | Contract Pricing Reference Guide - Volume 1 - Price Analysis | DAU | 01/05/2021 | PDF | Discusses several price analysis methods which involve examining and evaluating the reasonableness of a proposed price without evaluating its separate cost elements and proposed profit. |
Engineering | Systems Engineering Guidebook | OUSD (R&E)
| 02/01/2022 | PDF | The Systems Engineering Guidebook provides guidance and recommended best practices for defense acquisition programs. Much of this information appeared previously in the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) Chapter 3, Systems Engineering. The DAG was recently canceled, and this guide provides interim guidance while DOD is developing new systems engineering modernization policy and guidance. |
Engineering | Value Engineering - A Guidebook of Best Practices & Tools (SD-24) | OUSD (R&E) | 06/13/2011 | PDF | Value engineering (VE) is an organized/systematic approach that analyzes the functions of systems, equipment, facilities, services, and supplies to ensure they achieve their essential functions at the lowest life cycle cost consistent with required performance, reliability, quality, and safety.
Engineering | Joint Software Systems Safety Engineering Handbook | DOD | 08/27/2010 | PDF | Within the domain of systems engineering, systems safety engineering identifies and analyzes behavioral and interface requirements, the design architecture, and the human interface within the context of both systems and systems of systems (SoS). This handbook provides management and engineering guidelines to achieve a reasonable level of assurance that software will execute within the system context with an acceptable level of safety risk. |
Engineering | Engineering of Defense Systems Guidebook | OUS(R&E) | 02/01/2022 | PDF | The guidebook describes the activities, processes, and practices involved in the development of Department of Defense (DoD) systems.
Engineering | DAF Digital Guide and Knowledge Sharing Hub | DAF/DTO | 02/21/2025 | LINK | The Digital Transformation office (DTO) is synthesizing efforts into an integrated suite of capabilities, including data strategy, network and infrastructure, analytic methods, and associated business practices, which will result in the development and fielding of weapons systems to increase lethality across the joint and coalition force. Digital transformation is the disruptive enabler the department needs if we are to overcome our adversaries rapidly increasing parity.
Engineering | Unmanned System Safety Engineering Precepts Guide for DoD Acquisition | DOD | 08/01/2021 | PDF | Organized according to “precepts” in three categories – programmatic, design, and operational – the guide is intended to support the development and design of safe unmanned systems, associated safety significant software, support hardware and firmware, and service safety reviews.
Engineering | Air Force Human Systems Integration (HSI) Handbook | AFRL/711 HPW | 09/01/2008 | PDF | This handbook provides the practitioner with an introduction to HSI and an improved understanding of why HSI is important. This includes consideration of the relationship between HSI and the systems acquisition process, emphasizing the importance of addressing HSI early in system design and acquisition. |
Engineering | Standard Process for Engineering Data Management | AFLCMC | 10/19/2023 | PDF | Describes the high-level actions to identify, acquire, collect, organize, review, approve, and store engineering data (e.g., CAD data/models, model-based definition sets, Gerber data, specs, drawings, ICDs, verification plans, and master bills of materials) that is required to support a program's acquisition strategy. |
Engineering | Standard Process for Configuration Change Management | AFLCMC/EZS | 11/17/2022 | PDF | Configuration change management is a process for establishing and maintaining consistency of a product’s performance, functional, physical attributes, requirements, design, and operational information throughout its life cycle. Its main function provides for the systematic proposal, justification, evaluation, coordination, approval, or disapproval of proposed changes. |
Engineering | Standard Process for Contract Data Management | AFLCMC/EZS | 11/16/2023 | PDF | Data management is the process of applying policies, procedures, and tools for the identification and control of data requirements, for assuring the adequacy of data and for facilitating the timely, economical acquisition, and availability of data, including digital delivery or access.
Engineering | Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems | OSD (AT&L) | 08/01/2008 | PDF | The guide provides systems engineering practitioners with well-grounded, practical guidance on what to expect as they work in today’s increasingly complex systems environment. This guide is a step in supporting the systems engineering community to adapt systems engineering processes to address the changing nature of today’s world increasingly characterized by networked systems and systems of systems.
| Standard Process for System Engineering Plans | AFLCMC/EZS | 10/21/2021 | PDF | This guide describes the AFLCMC process for capturing program technical planning within a systems engineering plan (SEP). The process guide covers which programs require SEPs, required content and format, approval and signatures, and when to update a SEP. |
| Standard Process for Implementing a Modular Open Systems Approach | AFLCMC/ENA | 02/17/2022 | PDF | A Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) is defined as an integrated business and technical strategy that employs a modular design that uses modular system interfaces between major systems, major system components, and modular systems and uses a system architecture that allows severable system components and modular systems at the appropriate level to be incrementally added, removed, or replaced throughout the life cycle. |
Product Support | Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) Guidebook | DOD-DSPO | 03/01/2024 | PDF | Provides best practices for implementing a robust and proactive diminishing manufacturing sources (DMS) and material shortages (MS) management program. |
Product Support | Condition-Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+) Guidebook | DOD | 08/08/2024 | PDF | Assists logistics managers with CBM+ project development, implementation and execution; illustrates various complementary components of successful CBM+ implementation and describes management actions necessary to integration all technologies in order to increase reliability, availability, operational effectiveness, and maintenance efficiency. |
Product Support | Standard Process for Product Support Business Case Analysis (PS-BCA) | AFLCMC | 07/20/2023 | PDF | Defines the AFLCMC PS BCA process—a structured methodology that aids decision making by identifying and comparing Course of Action (COA) options by examining the mission and business impacts (both financial and non-financial), risks, and sensitivities. |
Product Support | Independent Logistics Assessment (ILA) Guidebook | DOD | 04/07/2023 | PDF | Provides guidance for the program and ILA team on conducting, assessing, reporting, and closing the ILA. It provides information to assist in the ILA process, including instructions on assessing risk, writing the final report, and using the ILA checklist.
Product Support | Logistics & Sustainment Enterprise 2040 | AFSC | 04/12/2016 | PDF | Logistics and Sustainment Enterprise 2040 (LSE 2040) represents both a multi-decennial vision and a management and execution strategy in the pursuit of vastly improved LSE operations. |
Product Support | Operating and Support (O&S) Cost Management Guidebook | DOD | 03/10/2016 | PDF | Assists program managers and PSMs in structuring and conducting O&S cost analysis to inform early life cycle decisions, impact reliability trades, and identify should cost initiatives having the greatest impact on future costs. The guidebook provides a foundational understanding of the distinctions between affordability and cost and between "will cost" and "should cost." |
Product Support | Performance Based Logistics (PBL) Guidebook - A Guide to Developing Performance Based Arrangements | DOD | 10/06/2023 | PDF | A consolidated resource that leverages DOD instructions and other guidebooks and uses the product support business model (PSBM) as an organizing construct for PBL best practices, processes, and supporting documentation needed to craft effective PBL arrangements.
Product Support | Independent Logistics Assessment (ILA) Guidebook | DOD | 04/07/2023 | PDF | ILAs are a disciplined, tailored review of a program’s supportability and are conducted prior to key acquisition decision points (including milestone decisions). Program managers (PMs) and product support managers (PSMs) utilize ILAs to ensure system design and product support performance are integrated to achieve sustainment objectives and identify corrective actions needed to prevent degraded materiel readiness or O&S cost growth.
Product Support | Contract Sustainment Support Guide | AF/LG | 08/01/2013 | LINK | This guide is intended to help USAF personnel involved in life cycle management processes reduce and control cost and risk when procuring products or services. The CSSG provides recommendations based on best practices (BPs) that are mapped to Air Force Product Support Elements (PSEs) and Air Force Cost Analysis Improvement Group (AF CAIG) elements. The updated guide is DOD Distribution C and cannot be posted. This version is retained for reference. The current guide is available on the DAU website for DOD personnel and DOD contractors only. |
Product Support | Product Support Business Case Analysis (BCA) Guidebook | DOD | 06/24/2024 | PDF | Provides a standardized process and methodology for writing, aiding decision making, and providing analytical decision support for a product support BCA, including research, data analysis, and delivery of a product support BCA report. |
Product Support | Public-Private Partnering (PPP) for Product Support Guidebook | DOD-L&MR | 01/12/2021 | PDF | Provides best practices that facilitate public-private partnerships and frames the application of partnering in the remaining integrated product support elements encompassing the full scope of defense system product support activities. |
Product Support | Product Support Tool Kit | AFLCMC/LG-LZ | 07/15/2012 | PDF | The Product Support Tool Kit (PSTK) was developed as a quick reference tool for personnel working life cycle logistics tasks throughout a weapon system’s life cycle. |
Product Support | Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements Guidebook | DAU | 03/01/2021 | PDF | Picks up where the Product Support Manager Guidebook Appendix A left off in describing the new 12 IPS elements in order to accommodate the expanded, enterprise-level role of the product support manager. |
Product Support | Standard Process for Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) | AFLCMC/LG-LZ | 01/18/2024 | PDF | This document defines roles, responsibilities, and processes required to effectively and proactively conduct Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM). SCRM starts with early acquisition planning and is continuously assessed and refined throughout a program’s life cycle. |
Product Support | Logistics Health Assessment (LHA) Users Guide | AFLCMC/LG
| 02/14/2014 | PDF | Describes the overall LHA and provides the user with additional information on the tool to include weighting factors, business rules, product support element resources, and multiple annexes. The assessment is recommended to be accomplished quarterly, or as directed by higher headquarters guidance, with results will be presented through a multitude of reviews. |
Product Support | Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) Outline | DAU | 02/21/2025 | Link | The Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) outline provides a framework to think systematically and critically through the set of planning factors that must be integrated and communicated across the enterprise to achieve required sustainment outcomes. |
Product Support | Standard Process for Self-Assessment / Independent Logistics Assessment (ILA) | AFLCMC/LG | 03/28/2024 | PDF | An Independent Logistics Assessment (ILA) is an analysis of a program’s supportability planning. It is conducted by an independent and impartial team of subject matter experts (SMEs) not directly associated with the program being assessed.
Product Support | Standard Process for Logistics Health Assessment (LHA) | AFLCMC/LG | 04/18/2024 | PDF | Provides the life cycle community with a standard, tailorable, user-friendly tool to report on and ensure long-term sustainment and availability considerations are identified and integrated into early program decisions and re-evaluated throughout the life cycle of the program/system. |
Product Support | Standard Process for Life Cycle Sustainment Plans | AFLCMC/LG-LZ | 10/21/2021 | PDF | The purpose of this standard process is to provide assistance and guidance to the program office (PO) to aid in the standardization of the development and coordination of program LCSPs across the center. |
Product Support | Integrated Product Support Implementation Roadmap | DAU | 02/21/2025 | LINK | Product support management is the organization and coordination of life cycle activities, products, processes, and data required to achieve defined program supportability cost, schedule, and performance objectives. This interactive online tool allows program support personnel to plan for and schedule product support activities. |
Product Support | Product Support Manager (PSM) Guidebook | DOD | 05/24/2022 | PDF | Focuses on identifying, developing, implementing, incentivizing, and measuring quantifiable best value outcome-based product support solutions that optimize life cycle cost (LCC) and readiness and provides a tool for acquisition and sustainment organizations as they develop, implement, or revalidate product support strategies. |
Product Support | Life Cycle Sustainment Plan - Outline | DOD | 10/13/2022 | PDF | The purpose of this outline is to assist the Product Support Manager (PSM) in developing a Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) that can improve sustainment planning for DOD weapon systems early in the life cycle and to document updates to planning and execution as the design evolves and the system progresses through its life cycle.
Program Management | The Measures Handbook | AFMC/A5-OAS | 08/06/2014 | PDF | Provides practical guidance for developing and analyzing measures in the capabilities-based assessment (CBA), pre-materiel development decision analysis, and analysis of alternatives (AoA). This guide is no longer current but offers useful insights for program managers in selecting meaningful metrics. |
Program Management | Schedule Risk Assessment (SRA) Process Guide | SAF/AQX | 01/18/2012 | PDF | A schedule risk assessment (SRA) is a process that uses statistical techniques to quantify the schedule impact of technical, programmatic, and other risks in a project. An SRA provides a means to quantify the risks in a program and determine the effect of things that may not go according to plan. |
Program Management | Weapon Systems Software Management Guidebook | SAF/AQ | 08/15/2008 | PDF | This guidebook sets top-level USAF expectations for the development, acquisition, management, and sustainment of weapon systems software and software embedded in USAF systems, so that software-related problems that are now too typical can be understood and avoided in the future. The principles and techniques in this guidebook generally apply to all software domains, but the targeted domains include aeronautical, electronics, weapons, and space systems. |
Program Management | Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) Guidance | DOD | 05/13/2011 | PDF | A technology readiness assessment (TRA) is a formal, systematic, metrics-based process that assesses the maturity of, and risk associated with, critical hardware and software technologies to be used in major defense systems. It is conducted by the program manager with assistance of an independent team of subject matter experts (SMEs). |
Program Management | A Smart Shutdown Primer - Considerations for a Successful (Program) Shutdown | DAU | PDF | This primer is offered to the PM or program management personnel faced with shutting down a program. This shutdown could be a complete termination, a partial termination, or a transfer of execution responsibility from one agency to another. In each case, the basic set of considerations is the same. | |
Program Management | Air Force Systems Safety Handbook | AFSA | 07/01/2000 | PDF | Handbook offering considerable insight to the general principles, objectives, and requirements of applying system safety concepts to the USAF systems acquisition and logistical support processes. |
Program Management | Agile and Earned Value Management - A Program Managers Desk Guide | DOD | 01/17/2020 | PDF | Agile philosophies promote rapid incremental product deliveries, provide flexibility to respond to changing requirements, and advocate close customer collaboration. EVMS practices still have their place. |
Program Management | Requirements for the Acquisition of Digital Capabilities Guidebook | DOD/CIO | 01/30/2024 | PDF | Capabilities of DoD are becoming increasingly connected and, as such, increasingly complex. Through concepts like the modular open systems approach and greater abstraction through commodity-like platforms providing compute and store, DoD continues to evolve toward an information enterprise where digital capabilities are the norm; integration and security are more critical than ever. |
Program Management | Project Manager's Guidebook | Federal Acquisition Institute | 11/24/2015 | PDF | The goal of this Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) guide is to be a resource tool to program managers PMs), providing practical concepts and useful tools and templates. This guide is designed to provide PMs with best practices and tools to adopt or adapt so that management of projects are appropriate and effective in achieving desired results. |
Program Management | Earned Value Management "Gold Card" | DAU | 01/01/2020 | PDF | A one-page guide to understanding EVMS structure, cost and schedule variances, and proactive project management. |
Program Management | Guide to DOD Program Management Business Processes | DAU | 08/04/2022 | PDF | This guide describes the Department of Defense (DoD) operations to organize, plan, and execute an acquisition program. The unifying concept for this guide serves to assist acquisition professionals at all levels on the essence of program management and the integrating aspects necessary to deliver and sustain capability for our warfighters.
Program Management | Independent Technical Risk Assessment (ITRA) Execution Guidance | OUSD (R&E) | 12/01/2020 | PDF | ITRAs provide Congress, the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA), the program manager, and other stakeholders with an independent assessment of a program's technical risk. These assessments inform decision makers of key risks before milestone and production decisions, allowing for appropriate risk reduction actions. |
Program Management | Preparation of Statement of Work and Statement of Objectives | DOD | 09/12/2022 | PDF | This handbook provides guidance to create a statement of work (SOW) applicable to the possible types of acquisitions across the acquisition life cycle. The SOW specifies the tasks, also referred to as work requirements, to be accomplished by the contractor. It also addresses the use of a statement of objectives (SOO).
Program Management | Air Force Process Model Templates | SAF/AQ | Link | Provides dozens of templates and sample for acquisition-related reports, briefings, and other documents. | |
Program Management | Open Systems Architecture (OSA): Contract Guidebook for Program Managers | DOD | 06/01/2013 | PDF | Provides contract language to capture the benefits of an open architecture and an open business model to increase opportunities for competition and improve access to innovation. |
Program Management | Defense Acquisition Guidebook | DAU | 02/24/2025 | Link | Electronic guidebook designed to complement DOD Directive 5000.01 and DOD Instruction 5000.02 by providing the acquisition workforce with discretionary best practices that should be tailored to the needs of each program. |
Program Management | Requirements Development Guidebook (Vol 1) Guidelines, Oversight, and Governance | AD/A5R | 06/24/2020 | PDF | This guidebook explains the framework for USAF oversight and implementation of operational capability requirements development in support of overarching capability development efforts and in compliance with the main processes for “requirements” via the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS). |
Program Management | Earned Value Management (EVM) Implementation Guide | DOD | 01/18/2019 | PDF | Government and industry program managers use EVM as a program management tool to provide situational awareness of program status and to assess the cost, schedule, and technical performance of programs. |
Program Management | Requirements Development Guidebook (Vol 4): Requirements Activities to Support Modification Proposals | AF/A5R | 04/08/2020 | PDF | This guide outlines the requirements activities necessary to support the management of modifications to fielded (in service) systems managed by the Air Force under the acquisition policies and procedures described in AFI 63-101/20-101, Chapter 9.
Program Management | Earned Value Management System (EVMS) Interpretation Guide | DOD | 02/23/2025 | PDF | Provides the overarching DOD interpretation of the 32 guidelines where an EVMS requirement is applied, including the strategic intent behind each guideline, as well as the specific attributes required in a compliant EVMS. |
Program Management | Standard Process for Capability Development | AFLCMC/XZ | 08/16/2018 | PDF | Capability development is an overarching term the USAF now uses in reference to the organization, execution, and oversight of all activities associated with developing capabilities for the total USAF across the lifecycle extending from initial identification of need or opportunity through assessment of a fielded capability. |
Program Management | Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Markings | National Archives | Link | Provides marking guidance for all categories of CUI | |
Program Management | Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) Desk Book | OSD (MTP) | 10/01/2022 | PDF | Assessments of manufacturing maturity using the Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) criteria have been designed to identify and manage manufacturing risk in acquisition, decreasing the risk of technology transition for new technology to weapon system applications. |
Program Management | Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Markings | OUSD/DDI | 09/03/2020 | PDF | Describes the review process and the markings that apply to DOD materials containing CUI. |
Program Management | Technology and Program Protection Guidebook | OUSD (R&E) | 07/01/2022 | PDF | The Technology and Program Protection (T&PP) Guidebook provides the implementing guidance for DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.83, Technology and Program Protection to Maintain Technological Advantage, for science and technology (S&T) managers and engineers. It replaces content that was previously provided by the Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 9, Program Protection. |
Program Management | Integrated Master Plan (IMP) & Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Preparation & Use Guide | DOD | 05/01/2023 | PDF | Provides guidance for the preparation and implementation of a program's IMP and IMS, fundamental management tools that are critical to planning, scheduling, and executing major projects. |
Program Management | Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) Process Guide | USAF | 09/20/2012 | PDF | The IBR is an essential program management tool for identifying, quantifying, and mitigating risks when executing complex weapons system and information technology projects. This guide provides a standardized process for planning and conducting IBRs across the Air Force enterprise. |
Program Management | Requirements Development Guidebook (Vol 2) Urgent Needs Process | AF/A5R | 06/24/2020 | PDF | This guidebook provides a description of the USAF procedures regarding Urgent Operational Needs (UONs), Joint Urgent Operational Needs (JUONs), and Joint Emergent Operational Needs (JEONs) as described in the JCIDS Manual (Urgent Process) and DoD Instruction 5000.02, Enclosure 13, Urgent Capability Acquisition.
Program Management | Standard Process for Cybersecurity Assessment and Authorization | AFLCMC/EZ | 10/20/2022 | PDF | Defines cybersecurity assessment and authorization procedures for information systems (IS), platform information technology (PIT), information technology (IT) services, and IT products that are or will be assessed or assessed and authorized by authorizing officials within the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC). |
Program Management | Cybersecurity & Acquisition Lifecycle Integration Tool (CALIT) | DAU | .PPTX | Effective integration of cybersecurity into the DOD acquisition lifecycle encompasses several different processes including the Defense Acquisition System (DODI 5000.02), cybersecurity, program protection, risk management, test and evaluation, and systems security engineering. CALIT provides the user with insight into these supporting processes and the ability to visualize how these processes work together to promote cyber resilient weapon systems.
To use interactive version, open a "read only" copy and display in presentation mode. | |
Program Management | DevSecOps Fundamentals Guidebook: Tools & Activities | DOD/CIO | 10/19/2021 | PDF | The goal of DevSecOps is to improve customer outcomes and mission value through the automation, monitoring, and application of security at every phase of the software lifecycle. |
Program Management | Requirements Development Guidebook (Vol 3) JCIDS Document Development | AF/A5R | 06/24/2020 | PDF | This volume of the guidebook provides guidance for implementation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development (JCIDS) document development process. |
Program Management | Standard Process for Schedule Management Fundamentals | AFLCMC/AZ | 02/17/2025 | PDF | The process to develop a program schedule includes the activities to plan schedule development, select a scheduling method and tool, develop the program schedule based on specific program data and requirements, baseline the schedule, and then monitor, analyze, manage, and report on schedule performance. |
Program Management | Program Manager Guidebook for Integrating the Cybersecurity Risk Management Framework (RMF) into the System Acquisition Lifecycle | DOD | 10/30/2015 | PDF | DOD recently revised several of its policies to more strongly emphasize the integration of cybersecurity into its acquisition programs to ensure resilient systems. This guidebook is intended to assist program managers in the efficient and cost-effective integration of cybersecurity into their systems, in accordance with the updated DOD policies. |
Program Management | Requirements Development Guidebook (Vol 5) Procedures for Middle Tier Acquisition Validation | AF/A5R | 06/24/2020 | PDF | This guide outlines the requirements validation activities that support the middle tier of the acquisition process, which is optimized to advance USAF capabilities against the challenges outlined in the National Defense Strategy at a faster pace than the traditional/deliberate acquisition processes. |
Program Management | Human Systems Integration Guidebook | OSD (DDR&E) | 05/01/2022 | PDF | This guidebook addresses Human Systems Integration (HSI) in Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition. HSI supports the systems engineering and program management effort to provide integrated and comprehensive analysis, design, and assessment of requirements, concepts, and resources for seven HSI domains recognized by DoD: Manpower, Personnel, Training, Human Factors Engineering, Habitability, Safety and Occupational Health, Force Protection, and Survivability. |
Program Management | Air Force Technology Development and Transition Strategy (TDTS) Guidebook | GQ AFMC/A5S | 07/01/2010 | PDF | This guidebook details recognized best practices for developing a viable technology maturation strategy that fully addresses the transition of capabilities to users (intended MAJCOM customers).
Program Management | Air Force Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Assessment Process | USAF | 09/21/2012 | PDF | This document is written for USAF program managers and their functional staff. The purpose of this document is to define the process of performing an IMS assessment at two levels. |
Program Management | The Department of Defense Cyber Tabletop Guidebook | DOD | 09/16/2021 | PDF | The acquisition and engineering communities need methods and tools to implement effective and affordable cybersecurity, cyber survivability, and operational resilience. This guidebook describes methods for early identification and categorization of cyber vulnerabilities, as well as identification of associated critical mission and system functions. |
Program Management | Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide for Defense Acquisition Programs | DOD | 09/01/2023 | PDF | Provides practical advice to programs as they work to identify, analyze, and manage risks, issues, and opportunities; however, the value of risk management is not tied to a formal adherence to policy. Rather the value lies in the program manager’s ability to apply critical thinking and adopt a culture of risk management that influences program decisions and execution of technical fundamentals. |
Program Management | Glossary of Defense Acquisition Acronyms and Terms | DAU | 02/24/2025 | Link | The DAU glossary, also referred to as the Glossary of Defense Acquisition Acronyms and Terms, reflects most acronyms, abbreviations, and terms commonly used in the systems acquisition process within the DoD and defense industries. |
Reports/Analysis | A Roadmap to the Section 809 Report | Section 809 Panel | 03/07/2019 | PDF | This roadmap organizes the Section 809 Panel's 98 recommendations thematically around four concepts, demonstrating how suggested changes to acquisition practices can produce each of these core outcomes: 1) Leverage the dynamic marketplace
2) Allocate resources effectively
3) Enable the workforce
4) Simplify acquisition. |
Reports/Analysis | Report of the Advisory Panel on Streamlining and Codifying Acquisition Regulations (Vol 3 - Part 2) | Section 809 Panel | 06/28/2018 | PDF | Volume 3 expands on the dynamic marketplace concept and recommends changes to the contract compliance practices, government-industry interaction, the complex the contracting process, contract flow-down requirements, and other areas intended to streamline and simplify DOD's acquisition process. (Part 2 of 2)
Reports/Analysis | Report of the Advisory Panel on Streamlining and Codifying Acquisition Regulations (Vol 2) | Section 809 Panel | 06/28/2018 | PDF | Volume 2 contains recommendations addressing the acquisition workforce, commercial source selection, the Cost Accounting Standards Board, and services contracting. Volume 2 introduces a proposal to move DOD to an enterprise-wide portfolio management structure aimed at improving the existing, over-managed system and continues discussion of the dynamic marketplace concept. |
Reports/Analysis | Contract Finance Study Report | OUSD(A&S)/DPC | 04/01/2023 | PDF | In this study, DOD found that cost accounting standards (CAS) and government accounting system requirements are perceived as onerous and thus a barrier to attracting new businesses―they pertain in limited circumstances and impact less than one eighth of prime contractors. |
Reports/Analysis | Software Is Never Done: Refactoring the Acquisition Code for Competitive Advantage (SWAP Main Report) | Defense Innovation Board | 03/21/2019 | PDF | DOD's current approach to software development is a leading source of risk; it takes too long, is too expensive, and exposes warfighters to unacceptable risk by delaying their access to the tools they need to ensure mission success. This report proposes broad-reaching recommendations to improve software acquisition to overcome the challenges and reduce the risk for DOD. |
Reports/Analysis | Report of the Advisory Panel on Streamlining and Codifying Acquisition Regulations (Vol 1) | Section 809 Panel | 06/28/2018 | PDF | Volume 1 focuses on enabling a dynamic marketplace framework—an outcome‐based acquisition process for providing DOD with simplified access to the global marketplace. The panel’s research showed that the current acquisition process is an obstacle to DOD’s ability to access a marketplace, which has moved far beyond the traditional defense industrial base of the Cold War era. The report identifies specific recommendations to repeal provisions of law that unnecessarily constrain the authority of the Secretary of Defense and impede necessary agility. |
Reports/Analysis | Software Is Never Done: Refactoring the Acquisition Code for Competitive Advantage (SWAP Executive Summary) | Defense Innovation Board | 03/21/2019 | PDF | DOD's current approach to software development is a leading source of risk; it takes too long, is too expensive, and exposes warfighters to unacceptable risk by delaying their access to the tools they need to ensure mission success. This is an executive summary of a report proposing significant changes to the DOD acquisition process when buying software. |
Reports/Analysis | Report of the Advisory Panel on Streamlining and Codifying Acquisition Regulations (Vol 3 - Part 1) | Section 809 Panel | 06/28/2018 | PDF | Volume 3 expands on the dynamic marketplace concept and recommends changes to portfolio management, IT procurement, budget, acquisition workforce, and other areas intended to streamline and simplify DOD's acquisition process. (Part 1 of 2) |
Reports/Analysis | Pilot Program on Intellectual Property Evaluation for Acquisition Programs Report | OUSD (A&S) | 11/01/2023 | PDF | This report is the final annual report to the congressional defense committees pursuant to Section 801 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year (FY) 2020 (Public Law 116-92). Section 801(b) authorizes several specific pilot program activities, including: establishment of a team of DoD and private sector intellectual property (IP) experts to advise selected programs; assessment of commercial valuation methods, agency-level oversight, contracting mechanisms; acquisition planning for IP delivery and rights needed over the entire life cycle; and engagement with industry to develop and assess IP requirements and strategies, and develop innovative IP evaluation, valuation, and prioritization techniques. |
Test and Evaluation | Cybersecurity Test & Evaluation Guidebook | DOD | 02/10/2020 | PDF | This guidebook promotes data-driven, mission-impact-based analysis and assessment methods for cybersecurity test and evaluation (T&E). It supports assessment of cybersecurity, survivability, and resilience within a mission context by encouraging planning for tighter integration with traditional system T&E. |
Test and Evaluation | DOT&E Test and Evaluation Enterprise Guidebook | DOT&E | 06/01/2022 | PDF | The T&E Enterprise guidebook clarifies the T&E role and actions for five of the six acquisition pathways detailed in DoDI 5000.02: major acquisition capability, middle tier of acquisition, urgent capability acquisition, defense business systems, and software acquisition pathway.
Test and Evaluation | Test and Evaluation Management Guide (6th Edition) | DOD | 12/01/2012 | PDF | Intended primarily for use in courses at DAU and secondarily as a generic desk reference for program and project management and T&E personnel, the TEMG is designed to assist government and industry personnel in executing their management responsibilities relative to the T&E support of defense systems.
Test and Evaluation | Incorporating Test & Evaluation into DOD Acquisition Contracts | DOD | 10/24/2023 | PDF | This guide is designed to help the DoD and industry test and evaluation (T&E) professionals identify T&E items to consider for inclusion when drafting requirements documents and solicitations, as well as managing contracts including T&E activities. |
Test and Evaluation | Air Force Test & Evaluation Guide | USAF/TE | 09/24/2020 | PDF | This document contains guidance, best practices, and lessons learned relevant to Air Force test and evaluation (T&E). It is a “living” guide that reflects information compiled from many sources based on most recent collective test community experiences. |
Test and Evaluation | Standard Process for Designation of Lead Developmental Test and Evaluation Organization | AFLCMC | 01/19/2023 | PDF | This process implements DOD and Air Force regulations by facilitating the selection of the best suited and available test organization that can plan and execute developmental test & evaluation (DT&E) activities for a program or project. |
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