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Aspasia Wooldridge

GS-15, Department of the Air Force (Ret)

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Transformation Leadership, Portfolio Management, Life Cycle Logistics, Defense Acquisition, Enterprise Architect, Process Improvement and Innovation, Improvement Programming, Strategic Planning


Ms. Aspasia Wooldridge has over 20 years of acquisition, logistics, technology, and business transformation experience in executive and management positions in the US Air Force (USAF), US Navy (USN), and US Marine Corps (USMC). She served in senior leader positions at Headquarters Air Force (HAF), US Air Forces Europe, and Air Forces Africa (USAFE-AF) spearheading development and execution of multi-billion dollar information technology (IT) and advanced technology transformation plans to meet strategic and operational objectives. She is a caring mentor and dynamic change agent with strong reputation for innovation and collaboration resulting in game-changing capabilities in support of the warfighter.

Significant Career Accomplishments

  • Personally selected by USAFE Commander and Department of the Air Force (DAF) Chief Information Officer (CIO) to accelerate and transform IT/technology adoption in theater.

  • Established foundational technology strategy, roadmap, and resourcing plan to support $8B warfighting and operations to include integrated air and missile defense, Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2); enabled multiple missions across six main operating bases and 83 geographically separate units in European theater. 

  • Led 175+ people in execution of ~$2B portfolio to deliver modernized logistics IT capabilities to maintainers, security forces, and civil engineers across USAF. 

  • Achieved ~$720M savings and partnered with acquisition to re-invest into modernized applications and advanced tools, to include funding initial Basing and Logistics Data Environment (BLADE). 

  • Developed first-ever Logistics IT Strategic Plan and Roadmap; successfully worked across USAF to transform failing multi-year $1.1B Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) strategy to an executable portfolio modernization plan with   continuous deployments to warfighters.

Key Positions

  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO), HQ USAFE-AFAFRICA

  • Chief Information Officer (CIO), Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection (HAF/A4)

  • Deputy Chief, Logistics CIO Division & Chief, Strategy and Integration Branch, (HAF/A4P)

  • Branch Chief, IT Integration (HAF/A4I)

  • Weapon System Logistics Management Specialist for Multi-Terrain Vehicle Fleet, Marine Corps

  • Systems Command, Quantico, VA Logistics Portfolio Manager and Lead for GCSS-MC


  • MA, Public Administration, George Washington University

  • BS, International Relations, Florida State University

  • BA, Spanish, Florida State University

  • College of Information and Cyberspace, National Defense University

  • Air War College



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