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Gregg Sparks

Colonel, United States Air Force (Ret)

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Product Support, Acquisition Strategy, CBM+, Strategic Planning, Program Management


Colonel Gregg Sparks, USAF (Ret), has over 35 years of experience planning and executing all aspects of major aircraft systems and continues to contribute to evolving sustainment policy for the Department of Defense (DOD) and Services with innovative life cycle management approaches. A proven senior executive,  Colonel Sparks directed C-17 logistics and gained experience devising several product support strategies for weapon capabilities large and small. He is a recognized expert in developing successful performance-based logistics (PBL) and public private partnership (PPP) approaches at any point in a program’s life cycle and is called upon to provide the analytical underpinning needed to make logical and lasting sustainment decisions. An innovative thinker on sustainment strategies for traditional weapon systems to commercial derivative aircraft (CDA) applications, he has devised product support business cases (PS BCAs) and life cycle management (LCM) models applicable to most weapon systems.

Significant Career Accomplishments

  • Executive experience executing and evolving the C-17 PBL contract with proven knowledge necessary to integrate contractor and organic support responsibility within a PBL arrangement. Demonstrated again when developing the F-22 sustainment approach.

  • Planned and executed eight acquisition strategies, three at ACAT ID level, each valued over $5B, for a range of procurements from development to production through sustainment.

  • Integral to the success of the Scientific Advisory Board’s New World Vista study tied to HQ USAF revolutionary planning integrated product team (IPT) that prompted the creation of the Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) during a Corona  session (4-star conference).

  • Proven track record of tough program management jobs with top-level mentors on the AMRAAM program (during the tough years) and during the Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) program’s transition to the demonstration/validation phase, resulting in an exceptional analytical foundation for executive-level management decisions.

Key Positions

  • Director of Logistics, C-17 System Program Office, now AFLCMC/WLM

  • Development Systems Manager, C-5 System Program Office, now AFLCMC/WLS

  • Joint Program Manager, Red Stone Arsenal

  • Technology Planner, Air-to-Surface Systems for Air Combat Command (ACC)


  • MBA, Management, University of West Florida

  • BS, Chemistry, The Citadel

  • Program Manager’s Course, Defense Systems Management College (DSMC)

  • Air Command and Staff College

  • Air War College

  • Industrial College of the Armed Forces (ICAF)



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