Weapon System Cybersecurity, Digital Engineering, Mission Systems, Technology & Prototyping, Program Management
Mr. Jeff Stanley is a senior executive with over 35 years of experience as an engineer and program manager. He is a former US Air Force (USAF) chief engineer responsible for the oversight of all aspects of safety and technical integrity of products and services. In this role, he oversaw technical direction, led risk and opportunity management processes, and ensured all products met performance and airworthiness requirements. As the USAF Science & Technology (S&T) Executive, Mr. Stanley directed the USAF’s cutting-edge $5B S&T investment portfolio. He is a recognized subject matter expert (SME) in all aspects of weapon system cybersecurity, mission systems, digital engineering, and S&T.
Significant Career Accomplishments
Led and directed the cybersecurity of USAF weapon systems and established/directed the USAF Cyber Resiliency of Weapon Systems (CROWS) program office. Conducted full risk management framework across 50 USAF systems comprised of table-top, red team, blue team, static analysis, penetration testing, and risk evaluation.
Led enterprise digital engineering transformation of the acquisition and system engineering process. Established a cloud-based engineering enterprise environment to allow the US Government and its industry partners to collaborate virtually via model-based tools. Enabled dramatic decrease in time to market and development and test costs.
Developed the USAF 2030 S&T strategy. Co-chaired the USAF Capability Development Council responsible for game changing investments. Led key prototyping initiatives in hypersonics, unmanned autonomy, joint command and control, artificial intelligence (AI), and agile software development.
Led the mission systems development for F-35. Responsible for the development of the architecture and maturation of hardware and software systems across ground and flying laboratories.
Led the life cycle management of multiple ACAT I, II, and II programs through development and sustainment and former executive responsible for all air and space signal intelligence programs valued at over $4B.
Key Positions
Deputy Assistant Secretary (Science, Technology and Engineering), SAF/AQ
Deputy Director, ISR & Requirements Directorate, HQ AFMC/A2/5
Chief, Special Operations Forces/Personnel Recovery, AFLCMC/WIS
Director, USAF Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Programs, AFLCMC/WI
F-35 Mission Systems Lead, JPO, Arlington VA
MS, Strategic Studies, Air War College, Air University
MBA, Management, University of Dayton
BS, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Ohio University
Amazon Cloud Practitioner Essentials
Enterprise Leadership, University of North Carolina
Program Manager & Executive PM Course, Defense Acquisition University
Business Process Reengineering, Hammer and Co.