Change Management, Data Rights, Data Management, Configuration Management & Audits, Deficiency Reporting, Process Improvement, Airworthiness Certification, Education & Training
Ms. Leisa Lemaster is an experienced configuration management (CM) subject matter expert (SME) with 40 years of experience in Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition development, production, and sustainment programs, possessing unique qualifications, insights and understanding of CM, data management and data digital transformation. She has experience in both US Air Force (USAF) and foreign military sales (FMS) programs to include F-16, F-15, Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP), Global Hawk, MQ-1 and MQ-9. In addition, Ms. Lemaster was a principal author of MIL-HDBK-61B, Configuration Management Guidance, and is a major contributor to the creation and maintenance of industry standards governing CM—providing up-to-date solutions to current CM challenges. She is also an active instructor for SAE industry standards to include SAE-649C, Configuration Management, and SAE-649-1A, Configuration Management for DoD Contracts.
Significant Career Accomplishments
As CM team lead for USAF airworthiness, non-DoD military airworthiness (NDMA) and contractor-owned, contractor-operated (COCO) airworthiness programs, instituted standardized processes to execute airworthiness office responsibilities for the development and modification of the USAF’s 150+ military design series, resulting in on-time approval of 60+ flight authorizations, 50+ assessment bases and 25 plans per calendar year as tracked by the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) Commander.
Successfully completed the first NDMA assessment basis directed by Secretary of the Air Force.
One of ten configuration managers endorsed by the USAF Technical Airworthiness Authority (TAA) to evaluate MIL-HDBK-516B, Sections 4.6/4.7 (Configuration Management Identification, Status Accounting and Control) assessing the sufficiency of the technical design and processes.
Acted as the AFLCMC engineering focal point to the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) Product Life Cycle Management Standards and Processes Board and as the USAF liaison to the SSTC G-33 Configuration Management Industry Committee.
Led the DoD initiative to update MIL-HDBK-61A, Configuration Data Management Guidance.
Developed and implemented the first CM system to support the Predator and Reaper programs, bringing 250+ assets under configuration control.
Key Positions
Lead, Airworthiness Configuration/Data Management Specialist, Configuration/Data Management Branch, Engineering Directorate, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC/EZSC)
Configuration/Data Management Specialist, AFLCMC/EZSC
Configuration/Data Management Supervisor, Medium Altitude Unmanned Air Vehicle System (AFLCMC/WI)
Configuration Management Specialist, Other Program Support
Director, Total Quality Management Coordinator, Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC)
BS, Business Administration, Park College
Master Certificate in Configuration Management, University of Houston