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Paul Van Maldeghem

Colonel, United States Air Force & DO-IV (GS-15 equivalent), Department of the Air Force (Ret)

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Technology Transfer & Transition, Defense Production Act, Intellectual Property, Compliance Strategy, Litigation Management, Source Selection Strategy, Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR), Acquisition Law/Policy


Mr. Paul Van Maldeghem is an experienced executive with over 35 years of experience, including active duty and civil service, as a US Air Force (USAF) attorney and legal services provider at all levels of the Department of the Air Force (DAF) and the Department of Defense (DOD). He has a preeminent reputation as a contract and acquisition law expert with the benefit of an engineering background and possesses additional, specialized expertise in several niche areas, including strategic management of intellectual property (IP), technology transfer and transition, Defense Production Act transactions, internal investigations and compliance strategy, and senior personnel management.

Significant Career Accomplishments

  • Responsible for leading the legal support to Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL) nearly $5B science and technology (S&T) and research and development (R&D) enterprise, including the laboratory’s nine component technology directorates and the 711th Human Performance Wing (HPW).

  • Led an effort to establish the USAF’s first business education partnership agreement with the University of Dayton Law School―collaborated to create introductory IP course for S&T professionals.

  • Served as the HQ Air Force, Acquisition Law and Litigation Directorate senior acquisition attorney and chief, utilizing extensive acquisition law experience to provide comprehensive advice and counsel to The Judge Advocate General (TJAG) and the Air Force Secretariat.

  • Provided strategic oversight, guidance and coordination on all hi-value/hi-visibility Secretary of the Air Force (SecAF) and Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) acquisition priorities; integrated advice on multiple acquisitions, bringing positive resolution to extended SpaceX Court of Federal Claims protest litigation; and developed a USAF-wide contract/acquisition law lessons-learned program focused on reducing litigation risk.

  • Filled a vacant principal deputy (SES) position―legal advisor to AFMC Executive Director on source selections for services acquisitions command-wide—contract awards valued in billions of dollars and appointed by 4-star as legal advisor to 2-star investigating officer on high-visibility, Hill interest, Light Air Support (LAS) program commander-directed investigation (CDI).

  • As legal counsel to the International Military Staff, provided oversight, responsibility, and mentorship to 60+ multinational attorneys at dozens of NATO locations; negotiated international transit and support agreements with Russia, Pakistan, Qatar, Uzbekistan, and others; acted as the military committee lead for planning of Allied Consortium purchase/shared use of C-17 fleet; and provided guidance/ advice that aided in consensus on politically charged NATO Cyber Defense Concept.

  • Spearheaded AFMC command response for post-Darlene Druyun investigation matters, including the Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (AFFARS), ethics and business clearance rules. Held command-wide responsibility for base realignment and closure (BRAC), fiscal law, Antideficiency Act (ADA) investigations, and protest oversight.

Key Positions

  • Chief Counsel, Headquarters Air Force Research Laboratory (HQ AFRL)

  • Chief, Acquisition Law, Policy and Litigation Oversight, HQ Air Force, Acquisition Law and Litigation Directorate (HQ USAF/JAQ)

  • Director, Acquisition Law, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, HQ Air Force Materiel Command (HQ AFMC)

  • The Legal Counsel to the International Military Staff, HQ North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  • Director, Acquisition Law, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, HQ AFMC

  • Director, Administrative and General Law, HQ AFMC

  • Chief, Western Appeals Division, Directorate of Contract Dispute Resolution, AFMC Law Office


  • Juris Doctor, Stetson University College of Law

  • MS, Strategic Studies, Air War College

  • Operation Studies (MS equivalent), Air Command and Staff College

  • BS, Civil Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute



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