Risk Management, Software/IT Acquisition Management, Strategic Communications, Organizational Management, Portfolio Management, Process Improvement, Change Leadership, Strategy Innovation, Test & Evaluation (T&E) Management, Workforce Development
Colonel Pete Sandness, USAF (Ret), has over 25 years of defense acquisition leadership and program management experience across the US Department of Defense (DoD). His diverse expertise includes weapon system and software/IT development, testing, sustainment, strategic planning, acquisition workforce development, and organizational change leadership. Pete has proudly led teams to advance airlift and tanker, command and control, and information technology (IT) system capabilities. He is recognized for stakeholder collaboration with higher Headquarters to include Major Commands (MAJCOMs) as well as interagency and legislative partners and is a respected leader and mentor on a variety of acquisition workforce development initiatives.
Significant Career Accomplishments
As Deputy Director for the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Business & Enterprise Systems (BES) Directorate (AFLCMC/GB), led over 2,100 personnel in three states responsible for operating, integrating, and innovating USAF online business systems; efforts focused on cybersecurity, software development, and requirements management.
Managed strategic planning/governance processes, IT, and facility management for USAF’s largest acquisition center; developed processes and tools to manage workforce capacity and capabilities to support and deliver over 800 programs.
Guided agency personnel to deliver capabilities for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA); directed initiatives to improve business acumen, governance, and reporting structures.
Led test and evaluation program for $52B tanker aircraft recapitalization, propelling testers to historic KC-46 first flight and first in-flight fuel transfer.
As the HQ USAF Executive Action Group Chief, directed and reviewed actions for Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Air Force, and Chief of Staff of the Air Force taskings and developed and recommended USAF positions critical to USAF weapon system modernization/sustainment efforts.
Key Positions
Deputy Director, AFLCMC/GB
Deputy Director, Plans and Programs Directorate (AFLCMC/XP)
Director, Acquisition & Industry Relations, DIA
Deputy Director, Acquisition Excellence Directorate (AFLCMC/AQ)
KC-46 Test Program Manager, Tanker Directorate (AFLCMC/WK)
Chief, SAF/AQ Executive Action Group, HQ USAF
MA, Strategic Studies, Air War College
MA, Military Operational Art and Science, Air Command and Staff College
MBA, Business Administration, Western New England University
BS, Management, US Air Force Academy
Certificate, Sports Management, University of California – Davis
Program Manager’s Course, Defense Acquisition University
Air Force Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program