Life Cycle Cost Estimation, Source Selection Cost Analysis, Business Case/Economic Analysis
Mr. Travis Logsdon is a senior financial consultant with over 15 years of cost estimation and budget execution experience on multiple Department of Defense (DOD) ACAT 1D and other government agency acquisition programs. He has extensive experience in the commitment, obligation, and disbursement of appropriated funds and is well-versed in government financial management fiscal policies and procedures. In addition, he is highly skilled in multiple cost forecasting techniques—such as regression analysis to create estimating relationship factors, and Monte Carlo simulation to assess cost uncertainty and cost risk and adept at using cost/budget estimates to project annual, quarterly, and monthly forecasts, including equipment, labor burn rates, and salary projections for major weapon system contracts. An accomplished rate analyst, Mr. Logsdon has a proven ability to project full program cost recovery based on various activity drivers or throughput using economic forecasting methods. Recognized as an earned value management (EVM) expert, he is well-versed in program cost, schedule, and performance metric analysis.
Significant Career Accomplishments
Lead cost estimator on multiple DOD ACAT 1D programs completing Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) and Air Force Cost Analysis Agency (AFCAA) peer-reviewed life cycle cost estimates (LCCEs) for Combat Rescue Helicopter (CRH) milestone B; Common Vertical Lift Support Platform (CVLSP) milestone B; the AC-130J Gunship recapitalization program; and the KC-X initial cost estimate.
Successfully completed multiple milestone and product support business case analyses (PS BCAs) supporting major DOD weapon system and information technology (IT) programs, including Predator/Reaper (MQ-1/MQ-9), the Defense Enterprise Accounting and Management System (DEAMS), and the Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS).
Lead cost/price advisor during the CRH source selection; contributed to the USAF’s cost evaluation strategy ensuring “best value” approach during competition.
Key Positions
Lead Cost Estimator, Rotary Wing Branch, Special Operations Division, AFLCMC/WIU
Lead Cost Estimator, Gunship Program, Special Operations Division, AFLCMC/WIU
Lead Budget/Cost Analyst, KC-X Program, AFLCMC/WK
MBA, Finance, Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)
BS, Business Management, United States Air Force Academy (USAFA)