We are pleased to announce that Colonel Pete Sandness, USAF (Ret), has joined Dayton Aerospace as a senior associate. Pete has over 25 years of defense acquisition leadership and program management experience across the US Department of Defense (DoD) including diverse expertise in weapon system and software/IT development, testing, sustainment, strategic planning, acquisition workforce development, and organizational change leadership. Pete retired as the Deputy Director of the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Business & Enterprise Systems (BES) Directorate (AFLCMC/GB).
As a senior associate, Pete is available to provide advice and assistance to government and industry strategic planning, business strategy, engagement planning, and policy development efforts. In addition, Pete can develop competitive government solicitations and support industry capture planning and proposal development, as well as assist with retention planning and opportunity development. His expertise spans all phases of development and production on a variety of systems ranging from IT, to aircrafts, to electronic systems.
Learn more about Pete here.
Key Specialties
Risk Management
Software/IT Acquisition Management
Strategic Communications
Organizational Management
Portfolio Management
Process Improvement
Change Leadership
Strategy Innovation
Test & Evaluation (T&E) Management
Workforce Development