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Former SES and Colonel Carl “Shof” Shofner, USAF (Ret), now a Dayton Aerospace Associate

Dayton Aerospace

Carl Shofner

Key Specialties

Program Management & Execution

Space, Nuclear, Aircraft and Information Technology Systems

Organizational & Strategic Planning

Process Development & Improvement

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Carl “Shof” Shofner, recently retired US Air Force (USAF) program executive officer (PEO), Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC), Business and Enterprise Systems (BES) Directorate (AFLCMC/HI), has joined Dayton Aerospace as an associate. Shof has over 35 years of experience leading people, executing successful programs, solving technical challenges, managing billion-dollar budgets, and overseeing operations, procurement, and sustainment. A proven change agent, he supervised and reorganized operations for contingency contracting in two combat theaters of operation and set up the USAF’s first information technology (IT) business analytics office.

As a member of the Senior Executive Service (SES), Mr. Shofner was also the deputy director, Strategic Plans, Programs, Requirements, and Analyses and director of the Enterprise Sourcing Group (ESG) at Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC). Prior to civilian service, he retired as a USAF Colonel; his last military assignment was as the chief process officer’s deputy director at AFMC.

Learn more about Carl here.

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